Thursday, April 5, 2018

Jack in Iraq

Jack made it safely to Iraq, and is getting settled in. 

He had a layover in Germany, then arrived in Kuwait, where he had to wait to fly to Iraq for a couple of days. He stayed in one of these huge tents, which sleeps about 6 guys.

It took about an hour to fly up to Iraq on a C-130.  Once he arrived to Baghdad he got checked in and was able to get into his new room. He's staying in a CHU (Compartmentalized Housing Unit), which is basically a big metal container separated into rooms.

He also checked in at his new office, where he got three days of on-the-job training from the guy that he's replacing (before he left for home). Fortunately, there are lots of other people in the office to help him learn the ropes.

He sent this photo of a "dust storm" which affects visibility, but is less intense than a "sand storm"   (The second one is what it looked like before the dust storm.)

Luckily, we've been able to talk to Jack on the phone since he got over there. And we've also been able to web-chat a few times, which is really nice. We love you Jack!  We're all praying for your safe return.

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