Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Leo celebrated his first Easter today. Here he is with his Easter basket, and the giant Easter bunny that was Jack's when he was a little boy. I had to include 4 different photos, because Leo's facial expression is so cute in each of them. The second photo looks like the bunny is whispering in Leo's ear, and he thinks it's quite funny. What a cutie!


Jeanette said...

I LOVE that picture of the bunny whispering to Leo. So cute!

Unknown said...

How cute!!! Thanks for sharing!

Wes and Lindsay said...

Haha so cute!!!

Sean, Em and Milo Volk said...

Great blog entries! Leo is such a cutie! Em

Waiting for the One=-) said...

He is so adorable!! He is a VERY happy baby=)