Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sweet Home Alabama

After 5 days of driving, we finally arrived in Alabama. We've been unpacking like crazy, and are finally feeling settled! Our new house is great, and it is wonderful to have our stuff back after two months in storage. My Cuisinart! My good knives! My bed! My TiVo! It's been like Christmas every day as we open box after box, rediscovering things that we love.

We still have some stuff to organize, and the garage is full of empty boxes, but I think we are going to take the next couple of days "off" and try to explore the area, and do something fun. It has been an exhausting week!

It is incredibly green here, trees everywhere! And we've had really intense thunderstorms almost everyday. It will be hot and humid all day, and then late afternoon you'll hear the rumbles of thumber, then BAM! Torrential rain that will flood the patio in seconds. It's like rivers of water just pouring from the sky. I've never seen anything like it. I guess it's all that water that keeps everything green-- but it's also what makes it so incredibly HUMID!
In the West, it cools down when the sun goes down, but here- it stays hot all through the night. When you wake up in the morning, it looks nice and cool outside. But when you open the door, the heat and humidity hits you like a wave. It's unreal!

We're excited about learning more about this area, and making this our home for the next year!
It's always an adventure...


Unknown said...

We miss you already! I loved your TIVO comment, on facebook, it was great. Good luck unpacking!!!

sara said...

Yeah! I'm happy you've made it safe and sound. I can't wait to see pictures of the area and to hear all about your new adventures in Alabama. You guys are my heros for taking such leaps of faith and traveling/living all over!

Unknown said...

isn't Alabama just the greatest state, if it snows just a half inch, the whole state shuts down. The humidity gets much better, by October, the weather is really lovely and is a good time to visit historic places.