Whatever the source of their appeal, for Leo it was love at first sight. I can remember seeing one zoom past us many months ago. Leo asked earnestly: "Where's he going, Mommy?" I shrugged my shoulders and said "Going to help somebody, I guess." And now, everytime we see a fire engine, an ambulance, or any type of emergency vehicle, I hear from the back of the car, in a sweet little voice "Look- there's fire engine. Going to help somebody!" It is so cute. It melts my heart every time.
I found these cute little fireman boots at a yard sale about a year ago, and Leo liked stomping around in them. But now that the fireman obsession has started- they have been elevated to a higher status. Then Nana sent a fireman rain coat. And some nice firemen gave Leo the hat. His uniform is now complete.
The obsession came full circle two days ago when Leo and I were at Costco. They had these amazing little fire trucks with a motorized ladder, flashing lights and sirens! All for a bargain price of $19.99. The fire engine went into our cart. When we got home, Leo played with the fire engine non-stop. I mean, he literally played with it ALL DAY. He didn't want to eat, or watch a movie, or play with anyone else. He only had eyes for that truck! The only way I got him into bed that night was by making a nice little bed for the fire truck and telling him that fire trucks needed to sleep too. He put a little blanket over the fire truck and said "Good night, fire truck. See you tomorrow."
It's been two days now, and the obsession continues. The first thing Leo says when he wakes up in the morning is: "I want to play with my fire engine!"