We just celebrated our 5 year anniversary. Five years of wedded bliss!

In July we returned from a trip to Israel, Jordan and Egypt. Wow. What a trip! We started in Jerusalem where we stayed with some friends. We loved seeing the Old City, the Garden Tomb, and the Garden of Gethsemane.It was wonderful to see these areas, and imagine all that has happened there.What an incredibly moving experience!From there, we drove about 4 hours to the Red Sea, where we crossed into Jordan.(On the way we stopped at a resort on the Dead Sea, where we floated like corks in the water!)In Jordan, we stayed in Aqaba, and did some scuba diving in the Red Sea.The colorful coral and fish were amazing!We returned to Israel, then flew to Egypt where we spent 5 days.(Sadly, they lost Mandi's luggage on the way, and she had nothing but the clothes on her back for 5 days!)We spent a day and a half in Cairo, where we saw many tombs, temples, and the pyramids of Giza.It was unbelievable! We then took a short flight to Luxor, where we saw more some temples, and the Valley of the Kings. Th
en it was a train to Aswan, where we saw the High Dam, and the Unfinished Obelisk.When we got back to Cairo,we were able to pick up Mandi's luggage (They found it!), and we spent our last day lounging by the pool, relaxing from our long, HOT trip!
Mandi is still working in Visual Merchandising/Interior Design. She really enjoys the creative process, and working with so many great people. In June, Jack reached his 10 year anniversary and was promoted in May. He will be working here in Utah for another year or so, then he'll be resassigned to a new job. Personally, I hope we go to D.C... but we'll see where they send us!
On the home front, we have decided to pursue adoption. After 5 years of heartbreak and frustration, we feel like it's time for us to adopt! We have filled out stacks and stacks of paperwork, been fingerprinted,interviewed, etc. And now, we wait...
We can't wait to have a little baby of own!